recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Dec 27, 2009 10:43

    After wibbling yesterday, I actually did sit down and rewrite the second sex scene in The Next Time You Say Forever. (And updated the chapter.) At present, I'm quite satisfied. More than I was before, and I only left it so long because I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. I think I finally did: they're tired and still kind of shaken up ( Read more... )

    recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Dec 25, 2009 11:54

    Merry Christmas!

    My goodness, my neighborhood is so deserted! There've been maybe three cars going by since I got up at 8:30 this morning, and there are no lights in any of the windows across the street. And it's so quiet! I've never been alone on Christmas before, and it's kind of spooky and cool. (Seriously. When I was in Japan six years ( Read more... )

    recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Nov 08, 2009 13:57

    I'm at the library writing a paper. I've never sat in these little love seats with the swivelly tables before! They're kind of comfy. And I can put my feet up on the little footstool! So awesome. I love the library. I'm writing a paper on how to find information about John Adams. In case, you know, anyone's as obsessive about our second ( Read more... )

    recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Oct 31, 2009 09:50

    Welcome, Great Pumpkin! Alas, I haven't had time to search out a sincere pumpkin patch this year. But I hope you have a happy Halloween. :)

    In lieu of candy, have some recs! Uh, they're all ST: Reboot, and I think ... yup, they're almost all Kirk/McCoy, though some are also Spock/Uhura and there's one two gen. ( Read more... )

    recs: fan art, recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Oct 20, 2009 17:03

    Best thing I've heard today: "Reference librarians know everything. That's why they were put on this earth. Also, they're nice."


    I'm just so glad I happened to know the answer to her question!

    Also, apparently I'm cool even though I didn't not cheer for the Yankees ( Read more... )

    grad school, recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Aug 22, 2009 10:01

    I love being lazy on a Saturday. Though it's actually getting a little nippy, sitting by the open window. The summer's really almost over. *weeps ( Read more... )

    recs: fan fiction

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    thistlerose Jul 18, 2009 14:11

    12,300 words. And climbing. O_o At least Chapter Three (of Six) is done. I feel like I'm over the hump. Now I just need to write about the thrilling heroics and the climax. And I suppose there ought to be one more sex scene. That isn't fraught with aaaangst.

    And here are pictures of Sophie with Jean-Luc the tribble. )

    cats, recs: fan fiction, photos

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    thistlerose Jul 10, 2009 17:54

    Making pasta, waiting for Torchwood to download, wondering what I'm going to do at ALA tomorrow (there's so much going on omg!) *wrings hands* Got a little bit of work done on my new ST story (the epic angsty one with the happy ending). I think I know what I'm going to wear tomorrow.

    Here's a quick Star Trek: Reboot rec: the Dear Daddy seriesRead more... )

    recs: fan fiction

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